Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Fashion Show-Promo/Featuring Fashion Icon Merlin Castell

Daniella vs. Merlin-"The Fashion Show" Episode 1

it's the first challenge and the drama doesn't wait to get intense.

It's an Embarrassment-Merlin has strong words for this week's losing team, and surprisingly not for Daniella.

Its 5 a.m. and the phone rings. I wake up dizzy, after sleeping for six hours and suddenly hear the mysterious voice on the phone that always wakes us up “It’s 5 a.m., time to get up, wake up the others.”

Its elimination day, we have to bring our luggage in case it’s our time.

This time the challenge is to design a dress for a social occasion. I have to design a dress for a socialite that I have never heard of, and don’t even know what she does. The dress is for a luncheon she is attending, I’m not really sure what that means, but I am making a dress for a cocktail event. Suddenly I find out that my dress is for a meeting at 2 p.m., a day party. I quickly destroy my dress and transform it into something simple yet well done with my personal touch.

I think none of these people that are in this competition have the creativity to make a dress with the details, patterns, and interior construction. It’s like the fit of a door in a Mercedes-Benz; firm and secure.

My dress fits my model to perfection, which is beautiful; I’m not concerned about the end results. But with all this, we came out in second place. I think the people judging our designs are basing their judgment in what’s commercial and what’s in, and they are not considering new innovative design options and new concepts. However, I feel that my challenge is to dress today’s woman with today’s style vs. the future. Because it's clear that it’s not understandable but I think the competition gets better with each day. Not the best one will win, but the one that deserves it.

Daniella won today “la metralleta parlanchina.” That gives me an idea that people are voting for things they have seen on magazines and TV. I think that anyone can put on a jumpsuit, a high wasted skirt, any black dress on any photo shoot or model that has already been seen. I personally didn’t see any creativity in the winning garment, but I think that’s the concept of this competition. Anyways, I think that is fantastic and personally I am glad that Daniella is happy in her new team, and I hope she enjoys it.

I think the losing team today was one big mess, and more than one person had to be eliminated starting with the leader. What they presented was an embarrassment in construction, creativity, and wearable was a disaster. And the worse is they don’t take it as a warning lesson instead they take it as a joke. It’s an insult to what we represent as designers. It’s an embarrassment.

Talk of the Town

he First Day
Today was a marvelous day. My biggest surprise was when Izaac Mizrahi appeared. He’s incredible and I have always admired him. It feels very good to have him as a judge. I don’t know, but if you notice all other “designers” showed up with their best look that identifies them, and I busted out laughing: someone should tell them tsunami time is over.

My dress made with that cheap t-shirt wasn’t that bad. I came out in third place. I don’t accept it but I do think my dress looked more like a dress than any of the other dresses. It deserved the first place. That dress was very pretty and feminine; it deserved it, in comparison to the other dresses.

I imagine I am the talk of the town, people are jealous of what I wear, but what can I say I am an artist. And what? A little eccentric. Well, actually, a lot, God forgive me for that, but that’s me and specially for someone that comes from a place where style is not a big a deal – but please, someone tell these kids that having style doesn’t mean to copy from a magazine or wear something thinking that it’s the best.

Well, I’m having fun and with all these kids, the truth is that maybe they don’t have designer style but I do have to admit they do have talent.

The First Elimination
The one item that you must have in your closet is a jacket. Modern, simple and that goes with your personality. One that goes with everything.

I am very happy to have done a good job with my group. From the start I wasn’t too interested on my project. Maybe because I was safe, or because I didn’t understand the challenge. But oh well. I got it too late, when I had already screwed up and bought that horrible fabric.

In regards to Daniella, I can’t wait to see the time when she’s done and packs up her bags to go.

From the beginning she was a pain in the ass. A big mistake OR big disaster! All the time she was sabotaging my team just to call attention. But I, personally, don’t think she has talent. I think Lidia pretends to be weak in order to be unnoticed, but in reality she’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing. She applies little sheep technique but in reality she is using the wrong strategy and it won’t surprise me if she is the next one to hang her last garment.

In regards to the judges. Honestly I agree with the decision they made and how Kelly handled the situation. In her position, I would’ve done the same. I think I was immature and I got caught up in the moment with emotions, and after everything happened, I felt really bad.